F4U Corsair VF-17 Ike Kepford - "Hog Driver"

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  • Regular price $40.00

Known for it's distinctive bent wings, the F4U-1 Corsair was one of the most formidable fighters of World War II. Flown by the US Marines and Naval squadrons, the Corsair racked up an incredible 11:1 kill ratio. The Corsair was used extensively in the Pacific Theater of Operations. Our print depicts the Corsair flown by Lt. Cdr. Ira "Ike" Kepford in the markings of naval squadron VF-17 "The Jolly Rogers". After an impressive 5 month tour of duty, Kepford was the top scoring ace of the "Jolly Rogers" with a total of 16 conformed and 1 unconfirmed kills. In 1944 he was the Navy's top ace until Alexander Vraciu went on his impressive spree on June 19. Ike Kepford awards include: two Navy Crosses, the Gold Star, the Silver Star, three Distinguished Flying Crosses, the Air Medal, Unit Commendation to VF-17, and the American Defense Service Medal.